Monday, April 1, 2024



APRIL 2024







Changes are an inevitable part of life, and they can take many different forms. Some changes are positive, such as getting a new job, moving to a new city, or starting a new relationship. Other changes can be more challenging, such as the loss of a loved one, a health issue, or financial difficulties. Regardless of the type of change, it is important to acknowledge and adapt to it to move forward.

One of the most significant changes that we are currently facing is the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. This has affected virtually every aspect of our lives, from our work and social lives to our mental and physical health. The pandemic has forced us to adapt to new ways of living and working, such as remote work and virtual socializing, as well as to take additional precautions to protect ourselves and others.

Another significant change that we are facing is the increasing awareness of social and environmental issues. From climate change to systemic racism to inequality, there is a growing recognition of the need for change to create a more just and sustainable world. This has led to a variety of movements and initiatives aimed at promoting positive change, such as the Black Lives Matter movement and the push for renewable energy and sustainable practices.

Changes can also occur on a personal level, such as changes in our relationships our health, or our career paths. These changes can be challenging, but they can also be opportunities for growth and self-discovery. By embracing change and being open to new experiences, we can learn more about ourselves and the world around us.

There are many major changes that we currently face in today’s world. Some of the most significant ones include:

1.       Climate change: Climate change is one of the biggest challenges facing the world today. Rising temperatures, sea levels, and extreme weather events are having a significant impact on the environment, human health, and the economy.

2.       Technological advancements: Rapid advancements in technology are changing the way we live and work. From artificial intelligence to automation to virtual reality, these changes are disrupting traditional industries and creating new opportunities.

3.       Globalization: The world is increasingly interconnected, with the rise of global trade and the movement of people across borders. This is leading to cultural exchange and economic growth, but also to challenges such as income inequality and the displacement of workers. 

4.         Demographic shifts: The world’s population is growing and becoming more diverse. This is leading to changes in the workforce, healthcare, and social structures, as well as challenges, such as immigration and ageing populations.

5.         Political instability: Political instability is a growing concern in many parts of the world. From authoritarian regimes to populist movements to civil unrest, these changes are causing uncertainty and upheaval.

6.       Pandemic: The COVID-19 pandemic has had a major

    impact on the world, affecting virtually every aspect of our lives. It has led to changes in the way we work, socialize, and travel as well as to significant economic and health impacts.

While these changes can be challenging, they also present opportunities for growth and positive transformation. By working together and adapting to these changes, we can create a better future for ourselves and for future generations.





The world of contradictions is a complex subject to understand. It is full of opposites that clash with each other and create a paradoxical environment. On one hand, we have the beauty of nature, the joy of life, and the wonder of the universe. On the other hand, we have the ugliness of war, the sorrow of death, and the mystery of the unknown.

There are contradictions in everything we see and do. We seek love, yet inflict pain. We want truth, yet accept lies. We try to be kind, yet cause harm. This world seems to be a place where nothing is certain, and everything can change in an instant. It is a place where we can see both the good and the bad in humanity, in equal measure.

Some contradictions are easy to navigate. We know that light cannot exist without darkness, and that joy cannot exist without sorrow. Others are more difficult to reconcile, such as the existence of poverty and wealth in the same society, or the way technology brings people closer together while also pushing them apart.

Perhaps the most significant contradiction of our world is that we are both rational and irrational creatures. We can think critically and use logic to solve problems, yet we often act impulsively and emotionally. We can appreciate beauty and art, yet we are capable of heinous acts of destruction and violence.

The world of contradictions is not all negative, however. It can also teach us to appreciate the complexity of life and to seek balance in our actions and thoughts. It can inspire us to look beyond the surface level and understand the deeper truths that exist within the paradoxes of our world. Ultimately, the world of contradictions challenges us to strive for a better version of ourselves, one that embodies both light and darkness, good and bad, and all the other contradictions that make us human.




Science and spiritualism may at first appear to be completely opposite ideologies, representing completely different ways of understanding the world around us. However, upon closer analysis, it becomes increasingly clear that these two seemingly disparate fields can actually be seen as complementary, rather than contradictory. 





Practicing self-compassion has been shown to have numerous benefits including increased resilience, improved emotional well-being, and reduced stress levels. It fosters a positive and supportive relationship with oneself, promoting self-care and self-growth. By embracing social compassion, individuals can cultivate greater self-acceptance, inner peace, and a more compassionate outlook towards others as well.

People who lack self-compassion may experience various negative effects on their well-being and overall quality of life. Here are some potential consequences.

1.       Increased self-criticism: Without self-compassion, individuals may engage in harsh self-judgment, constantly bearing themselves for their perceived flaws and mistakes. This self-critical mindset can erode self-esteem and lead to persistent feelings of inadequacy.

2.       Heightened stress and burnout: The absence of self-compassion can contribute to chronic stress and burnout. When individuals are unable to extend understanding and care to themselves, they may push themselves relentlessly, disregarding their own emotional and physical needs. This can lead to exhaustion and a diminished sense of well-being.

3.       Lack of resilience: Self-compassion helps build resilience by providing a supportive inner voice during challenging times. Without it, individuals may struggle to bounce back from setbacks, experiencing prolonged distress and difficulty in adapting to change.

4.       Negative self-image: The absence of self-compassion can perpetuate a negative self-image. People may develop distorted perceptions of themselves, emphasizing their flaws and shortcomings while downplaying their strengths and achievements. This negative self-image can impact various aspects of life, including relationships, work, and personal growth.

5.       Reduced mental health and emotional well-being: Research suggests that self-compassion is associated with better mental health outcomes, such as decreased symptoms of anxiety and depression. Without self-compassion, individuals may be more vulnerable to emotional distress, experiencing higher levels of anxiety, depression, and other negative emotions.

It is important to note that self-compassion is a skill that can be cultivated and developed over time. With practice and self-reflection, individuals can learn to be kinder and more understanding towards them, which can have a positive impact on their overall well-being and outlook on life.




Self-compassion is the practice of treating oneself with kindness, understanding, and acceptance, especially in times of difficulty, failure or suffering. It involves extending the same empathy and care towards oneself as one would offer to a dear friend facing similar challenges. Self-compassion acknowledges that in perfections and setbacks are a natural part of being human, and it fosters a nurturing and supportive inner relationship.

This practice begins with self-kindness, which involves offering warmth and understanding to oneself instead of self-criticism or judgment. It means recognizing that making mistakes and experiencing hardships are opportunities for growth and learning rather than reasons for self-condemnation.

Self-compassion also emphasizes common humanity. It acknowledges that everyone faces difficulties and setbacks and it helps individuals understand that their struggles are not unique or indicative of personal failure.  This understanding cultivates a sense of connection and shared experiences, reducing feelings of isolation or shame.

Finally, self-compassion involves maintaining mindfulness or a balanced awareness of one’s emotions without becoming overwhelmed by them. It means acknowledging and validating one’s feelings, allowing them to be present without suppressing or exaggerating them. By mindfully observing and accepting emotions, individuals can respond to themselves with compassion and provide the care they need to navigate challenging situations.








The French started this trend-colouration (colouring to de-stress). Adult colour books are selling more than cookbooks. Researchers have now scientifically proven that colouring has the same effect on the brain as deep breathing and meditation. According to psychologist Dr. Stan Rodski, it makes the brain younger. The experiment showed as people color, their brains go from beta mode (which is around 30 cycles per second), into alpha mode (which is between 5 and 15 cycles per second). The brain goes into a slow and relaxation mode.





Make a difference in the world. Use your talents and abilities to 

make a positive impact on the world around you. – Jimmy Carter


Back in my day, I went to the store with $1 and came back with two bags of chips, one carton of milk and three boxes of chocolate. Now they have cameras. 



Ø  Let your past make you better not bitter.

Ø  Let your view of others be more positive.

Ø  Let’s get back to reality.

Ø  Letting go is something we do for the benefit of no one but ourselves.

Ø  Let the young people prove their superiority by raising their own level of not only action but character.


Life begins when our comfort zone ends!

Meet you next month –2024


Professor A. Narayanan, Ph. D., FISPP



  Ph : 0422 4393017 Mobile : 75399 15614



Sunday, March 3, 2024




MARCH 2024









War and peace are two of the most fundamental concepts in human history. Throughout the ages, we have seen the devastating consequences of war, from the loss of life and destruction of property to the displacement of people and the destabilization of entire regions. At the same time, we have also seen the transformative power of peace, as individuals and societies work together to create a better world.

War is often driven by a range of factors, including political, economic, and social issues. It can be caused by competition over resources, territorial disputes, ideological differences, or a desire for power and control. It can also have long-lasting impacts on individuals and societies including trauma, poverty and political instability.

Peace, on the other hand, is a state of harmony and cooperation between individuals and groups. It is often driven by a desire for mutual understanding, respect, and compromise. Achieving peace can be a long and difficult process, requiring the commitment and cooperation of individuals and societies. It can involve a range of initiatives, including diplomacy, conflict resolution, and the promotion of human rights and social justice.

One of the most significant challenges facing the world today is the ongoing conflicts in various parts of the world. From the civil war in Syria to the conflict in Yemen to the tensions between North Korea and the US, these conflicts have had devastating consequences for individuals and societies. However, there are also many examples of successful peace initiatives, such as the peace process in Northern Ireland and the peace agreement in Colombia.

The war in Ukraine is a complex conflict began in 2014, following the ousting of Ukrainian President Viktor Yanokovyeh. The conflict arose due to tensions between Ukraine and Russia, with Russia annexing Crimea and supporting separatist movements in eastern Ukraine.

The conflicts have also had significant economic and political impacts, with the Ukrainian government struggling to maintain stability and sovereignty in the face of Russian aggression.

 Efforts to resolve the conflict have been ongoing, with a ceasefire agreement signed in 2015 and several rounds of negotiations held between Ukraine, Russia, and other international actors. However, the conflict has continued, with sporadic outbreaks of violence and ongoing tensions between Ukraine and Russia.

The international community has played an important role in efforts to resolve the conflict, with the United Nations, European Union, and other organizations providing humanitarian aid and supporting peace initiatives. However, the conflict remains unresolved, and the situation in Ukraine remains fragile and uncertain.

Preventing war and establishing peace is a complex and challenging process that require the commitment and cooperation of individuals, organizations, and governments at all levels. Here are some strategies that can help to prevent war and promote peace.

1.              Diplomacy: Diplomacy is an essential tool for preventing war and resolving conflicts. It involves use of dialogue, negotiation, and compromise to find common ground and react mutually beneficial agreements.

2.              Conflict Resolution: Conflict resolution is a process that involves identifying causes of a conflict and finding ways to address them in a peaceful and constructive manner. This can involve mediation, arbitration, or other forms of third party intervention.

3.              Human Rights: Promoting human rights is an important part of preventing war. By promoting critical thinking, empathy, and understanding of different cultures and perspectives, education can help to reduce prejudice and promote cooperation.

4.              International Cooperation: International cooperation is essential for preventing war and promoting peace. This can involve working together to address global challenges such as climate change, poverty and inequality, as well as supporting peace initiatives in conflict affected regions.

5.              Disarmament: Disarmament is the process of reducing or eliminating weapons and military capabilities. This can help to reduce the risk of conflict and promote peace by reducing the potential for violence.



The Grand Canyon is a natural wonder located in the state of Arizona, in the United States. It is a steep – sided canyon caved by the Colorado River over millions of years, and it is one of the most visited tourist attractions in the world.

The Grand Canyon is approximately 277 miles long, up to 18 miles wide, and a mile deep. It is a breathtaking sight to behold, with its colourful rock formations, sheer cliffs, and winding river. The canyon is home to a variety of plant and animal species, many of which are unique to the area.

The Grand Canyon is also of great cultural significance to Native American tribes who have lived in the area for thousands of years. The canyon was considered a sacred site and a place of pilgrimage for many tribes.

Visitors to the Grand Canyon can enjoy a variety of activities, including hiking, camping, and rafting. There are several hiking trails that offer stunning views of the canyon, including the Biglet Angel Trail and the South Kaibab Trail. Visitors can also take a helicopter tour of the canyon or explore the area by horseback or mule.

Overall, the Grand Canyon is a natural wonder that attracts millions of visitors each year. Its beauty and grandeur are a testament to the paver of nature and a reminder of our connection to the natural world.



Using social media responsibly is crucial to avoid potential negative effects, such as cyber bullying, addiction, and the spread of misinformation. Here are some ways to use social media responsibly:

1.        Be mindful of what you post: Consider the potential impact of your posts before sharing them. Avoid posting anything that could be harmful, offensive, or misleading.

2.        Verify information before sharing: Before sharing news or information, make sure it’s accurate and from credible source. Don’t contribute to the spread of misinformation.

3.        Use social media in moderation: It’s easy to get sucked into social media and spend hours scrolling through your feeds. Set limits on your social media use and take breaks when necessary.

4.        Protect your privacy: Review your privacy settings on social media platforms and be mindful of the information you share online. Avoid sharing personal information such as your phone number, home address, or bank account details.

5.        Be respectful to others: Social media provides a platform for people to express their opinion and beliefs, but it’s important to be respectful of other’s views, even if you disagree with them. Avoid engaging in online arguments or bullying others.

6.        Think before you click: Be aware of the potential consequences of clicking on links or downloading files from unknown sources. Be cautious of phishing scams and don’t click on suspicious links or downloads.

By following these guidelines, you can use social media responsibly and enjoy the benefits of staying connected with others while minimizing the potential risks and negative effects.





Social media has become an integral part of modern society, with billions of people using platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube to connect with others, share information, and consume content. The role of social media in today’s society is multifaceted and complex, but some of its most significant impacts include:


1.   Connecting people: Social media made it easier for people to connect with others who share their interests, beliefs, and values, regardless of geographic location. This has enabled people to form communities around shared interests, such as hobbies, causes, and political views.

2.       Enabling information sharing: Social media platforms allow people to share news, opinions, and ideas instantly and on a global scale. This has made it easier for people to stay informed about current events and to participate in public discourse.

3.       Transforming communication: Social media has changed the way people communicate, with many people relying on platforms like Facebook, Messenger, WhatsApp, and Snapchat to stay in touch with friends and family.

4.       Facilitating business and marketing: Social media has become an essential tool for businesses to market their products, and services, connect with customers, and build brand awareness.

5.       Influencing culture and society: Social media has a significant impact on culture and society, shaping trends, attitudes, and behaviors. It has also given rise to new forms of activism, such as online petitions and social media campaigns.

However social media has its downsides, such as the spread of misinformation, cyber bullying, addiction, and privacy concerns. It is essential to use social media responsibly and to be aware of its potential risks.